At the break of dawn


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
@Anek @Fremen @HellYeah @aku-chan @TopNotch @Mamatigerj @JCU @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Mianevem :tu:

Tuesday December 26th
▪️  Hike 3.70 km
▪️ Focus workout abs: 2 minute abs , 5.5 kg dumbbell on the sitting twists
▪️  Challenge power squat day 25, 3x22 power squats
▪️  EotD 2 minutes W extensions

Steps today: 12008

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (2/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (2/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (1/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (2/5)
▪️ Doing 2 chores a week (1/2)

Step streak: 18 days
Daily walk streak: ? days
Workout streak: ? days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 153 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Wednesday December 27th
▪️ Focus workout cardio: 1 minute workout
▪️Challenge power squat day 26, 3x (5 squats + 5 count squat hold)
▪️  EotD 40 plank rotations

Steps today: 6493

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (3/7)
▪️ Healthy dinner (2/5)
▪️ Reasonable snacks (1/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (3/5)
🙂 Doing 2 chores a week (3/2)

Step streak: 19 days
Daily walk streak: ? days
Workout streak: ? days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 154 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Thursday December 28th
▪️ Run 3.78 km road
▪️ Focus workout arms: Dynamic Dumbbell , 2 sets with 2 kg
▪️Challenge power squat day 27, 3x22 power squats
▪️EotD: 1 min punches

Steps today: 8136

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (4/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (3/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (2/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
▪️ Going to bed in time (3/5)
▪️ Doing 2 chores a week (3/2)

Step streak: 20 days
Daily walk streak: ? days
Workout streak: ? days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 155 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Friday December 29th
Busy day at work, working late.
▪️ Focus workout 1 minute plank
▪️Challenge power squat day 28, 3x (5 squats + 5 count squat hold)
▪️EotD 40 lunge step ups

Steps today: 5787

Saturday December 30th
▪️  Run 6.25 km trail
▪️ Focus workout Booty builder , every set half the reps
▪️Challenge power squat day 29, 3x24 power squats
▪️EotD: 2 min arm scissors
▪️ Fit pot: 3x10 sec plank. Last year I got this pot as (self chosen) Christmas present from work. 100 cards with exercises.

Steps today: 14196

Sunday December 31st
▪️  Cycling 4.37 km
▪️  Hike 4.77 km
▪️  Cycling 4.00 km
▪️ Focus workout: WotD Foreworks, lvl 1
▪️Challenge power squat day 30, 3x (5 squats + 5 count squat hold) :completed:
▪️EotD: 2 min tree pose hold
▪️ Fit pot: 2x (20 squats + 15 jumping squats + 15 sig ups)

Steps today: 9044

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (7/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (6/5)
▪️ Reasonable snacks (3/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
▪️ Going to bed in time (5/5)
🙂 Doing 2 chores a week (4/2)

Step streak: 23 days
Daily walk streak: ? days
Workout streak: ? days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 158 days (218) 1st day July 27th
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
:fireworks: Happy New Year! :fireworks:

I wish everyone laughter, fitness and health for 2024!

2023 Summary
Steps: 3,480,726
Running: 514.48 km
Hiking/walking: 704.31 km
Cycling: 64.35
Active days: 323

Personal goals
I had a mini bucket list for 2023.

:v: Visit 5 museums.
:v: Visit an awesome place/country
:v: Go to the theater 5 times
:x: Work on a project every month (like MiniSteck, crochet, jigsaw puzzles)
:x: Make 12 drawings (1 every month)
:x: Learn 2 new piano pieces.

I didn't reach my reading goal this year. I barely read, due to lack of time and energy.
I read 11/12 books with a total of 2569 pag. It looks like a lot, but 4 books were only around 50 pages. Last year I read almost 4000 pages more.

2024 plan

I will keep my bucket list mostly the same. And my reading and fitnessgoals too. I just hope to take a bit better care of myself this year, because that's what the goals mainly are for. Have more wind down/relaxation time.

▪️ Visit 5 museums
▪️ Visit an awesome place/country
▪️ Go to the theater 5 times
▪️ Work on a project every month (like MiniSteck, crochet, jigsaw puzzles, drawing)
▪️ Learn 2 new piano pieces
▪️ Read 12 books


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
@Anek @Mamatigerj @Laura Rainbow Dragon @mavie @Silent Wolf @Lady Celerity @Mianevem @TopNotch @colin :tu:

Monday January 1st
▪️  Run 6.53 km trail
▪️ Focus workout 2 minute abs, with 5.5 kg dumbbell on the sitting twists
▪️  Challenge 5 min plank, day 1. 20 sec elbow plank
▪️  EotD 100 side jacks
▪️  FitPot 3x25 jumping jacks

Steps today: 9617

Tuesday January 2nd
▪️ Focus workout Dynamic Dumbbell , 2 kg
▪️Challenge 5 min plank, day 2. 25 sec elbow plank
▪️EotD 5 min raised arms hold
▪️FitPot 3x20 squats

Steps today: 8011

Wednesday January 3rd
▪️ Bike ride 11.30 km (sporty bike)
▪️ Focus workout Power squat
▪️Challenge 5 min plank, day 3. 30 sec elbow plank
▪️EotD 1 sumo squat hold
▪️FitPot 20 squats

Steps today: 5243

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (3/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (3/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (2/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
▪️ Going to bed in time (2/5)
▪️ Doing 2 chores a week (0/2)

Step streak: 26 days
Daily walk streak: 2 days
Workout streak: 3 days (decided to just start at Jan 1st)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 161 days (218) 1st day July 27th

Oh look how cute Pico is curled up with me


Picture of the high water when I was biking alongside the river

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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Thursday January 4rd
Skipped my run today; didn't sleep much, worked late due to again some sick colleagues and I just wanted to have the evening with my boyfriend. Did a cardio workout instead.
▪️  Walk 1.84 km. Break at work
▪️ Focus workout: cardio, 2 minute cardio
▪️Challenge 5 min plank, day 3. 2x10 superman
▪️EotD 50 knee to elbows
▪️FitPot 2x1 min uppercuts

Steps today: 9748

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (4/7)
▪️ Healthy dinner (3/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (3/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
▪️ Going to bed in time (2/5)
▪️ Doing 2 chores a week (0/2)

Step streak: 27 days
Daily walk streak: 3 days
Workout streak: 3 days (decided to just start at Jan 1st)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 162 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
@Deadoks thanks! And welcome 😊

Friday January 5th
▪️ Focus workout: abs 2 min abs
▪️Challenge 5 min plank, day 5. 45 sec elbow plank
▪️EotD 50 elbow plank arm raises
▪️FitPot 20 squats + 12 push ups + 12 burpees

Steps today: 5597

Saturday January 6th
▪️  Run 6.05 km, trail
▪️Challenge 5 min plank, day 6. 60 sec elbow plank
▪️EotD 60 sec single leg hops

Steps today: 18906

Sunday January 7th
▪️  Hike 8.16 km
▪️  Program 1 min HIIT, day 1, lvl 1
▪️ Focus workout: arms The Smiter, 5.5 kg, 1 set of each combo
▪️Challenge 5 min plank, day 7. 70 sec elbow plank
▪️EotD 40 climber taps
▪️FitPot 50 jumping jacks

Steps today: 15805

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (7/7)
▪️ Healthy dinner (5/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (5/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (4/5)
🙂 Doing 2 chores a week (2/2)

Step streak: 30 days
Daily walk streak: 6 days
Workout streak: 7 days (decided to just start at Jan 1st)
Duolingo (hard) streak: 165 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Monday January 8th till Sunday January 14th
I was sort of consistent until the weekend.
▪️  EotD 5/7 days
▪️ 1 min HIIT program up to day 6
▪️ 5 min plank challenge up to day 12
▪️ Fit-jar 3/7 days

Steps: 53085

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (7/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (5/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (5/5)
🙂 Playing the piano (2/7)
▪️ Going to bed in time (5/5)
🙂 Doing 2 chores a week (2/2)

Step streak: 37 days
Daily walk streak: 0 days
Workout streak: 0 days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 172 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
@PetiteSheWolf @Deadoks @JCU @Lady Celerity :thanks:

Monday January 22nd
Again, fell asleep on the couch after dinner.. so no walk and therefore I didn't hit my step goal..
But, hit 180 days of DuoLingo streak without using a streak freeze :dance:
▪️  Program 1 min HIIT, day 1 lvl 1. Restartedbit because I missed too many days
▪️  Challenge 5 min plank, day 17, 2x16 superman
▪️ EotD 40 twist lunges
▪️  FitJar 30 push ups (did knee push ups split in 3 sets of 10)

Steps today: 3231

Goals progress
▪️ 5000 steps (0/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (1/5)
▪️ Reasonable snacks (0/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (1/5)
▪️ Doing 2 chores a week (0/2)

Step streak: 0 days
Daily walk streak: 0 days
Workout streak: 1 days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 180 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Tuesday January 23rd
The weather was rainy and not inviting to do a run, so I skipped. And again I fell asleep on the couch. Did not do a walk.. sigh 🙄
▪️Program 1 min HIIT, day 2, lvl 1.
▪️Challenge 5 min plank, day 18, 3 min elbow plank
▪️ EotD 30 sec knee to elbows
▪️FitJar 30 sec elbow plank + 30 sec mountain climbers + 15 push ups

Steps today: 3486

Goals progress
▪️ 5000 steps (0/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (2/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (1/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (2/5)
▪️ Doing 2 chores a week (0/2)

Step streak: 0 days
Daily walk streak: 0 days
Workout streak: 2 days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 181 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Wednesday January 24th
In the morning I had to go with my mom to the city hall and in the afternoon I had to work extra. In the evening I went eating out and to the cinema with my niece. So no time to run or workout.. (I used this excuse very happily...)

Steps today: 2958

Thursday January 25th
Woke up cranky, apparently all emotions of the last weeks had to come out. So no time left to workout and was late for work. In the evening it was raining so another 'excuse' to not run. My boyfriend got me out of the house for a walk through the village though. Fell asleep again at 9 pm. The last month the switch just goes off at 9. 8.55 I'm wide awake, 9.00 I'm gone.

Steps today: 5068

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (1/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (3/5)
▪️ Reasonable snacks (2/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (3/5)
▪️ Doing 2 chores a week (0/2)

Step streak: 1 days
Daily walk streak: 1 days
Workout streak: 0 days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 183 days (218) 1st day July 27th


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
@Ereshkigal feel free to be inspired 😁
I'm learning German at the moment :) are you also doing Duolingo?

Friday January 26th
And inactivity continues.

Steps today: 2939

Saturday January 27th
No workouts, but walked around a city we visited, and in the evening a short stroll with Pico.

Steps today: 10568

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (3/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (5/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (3/5)
▪️ Playing the piano (0/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (5/5)
🙂 Doing 2 chores a week (1/2)

Step streak: 1 days
Daily walk streak: 0 days
Workout streak: 0 days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 185 days (218) 1st day July 27th


We went to an ice sculpture event, with Myths and Legends as theme




And later in the city center we were in a bookshop that was located in a church




Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Sunday January 28th
Another restart. I decided I don't have to wait for a Monday for it, so just did it today. I really want to keep it up this time. 1 day at a time.
▪️  Run 5.93 km trail. It was such a beautiful morning!
▪️  Walk 2.23 km
▪️  Program 1 min HIIT, day 1, lvl 1
▪️ Focus workout Dynamic Dumbbell, with 2 kg dumbbells. Was pretty easy, next time I'll use 3kg
▪️  Challenge 50 squats a day, day 1
▪️  EotD 30 prone reverse fly
▪️  FitJar 10 push ups

Steps today: 16679

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (4/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (6/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (4/5)
🙂 Playing the piano (1/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (6/5)
🙂 Doing 2 chores a week (2/2)

Step streak: 2 days
Daily walk streak: 1 days
Workout streak: 1 days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 186 days (218) 1st day July 27th






Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Monday January 29th
▪️  Walk 1.87 km
▪️  Program 1 min HIIT day 2, lvl 1
▪️ Focus workout Legs: Power Squat
▪️  Challenge 50 squats a day, day 2
▪️  EotD 60 sec wall sit
▪️  FitJar 30 sec mountain climbers
▪️Gift 20 jump squats for @neilarey her birthday

Steps today: 5982

Goals progress
🙂 5000 steps (1/7)
🙂 Healthy dinner (1/5)
🙂 Reasonable snacks (1/5)
🙂 Playing the piano (1/7)
🙂 Language course (1/7)
🙂 Going to bed in time (1/5)
▪️ Doing 2 chores a week (0/2)

Step streak: 3 days
Daily walk streak: 2 days
Workout streak: 2 days
Duolingo (hard) streak: 187 days (218) 1st day July 27th