How long will I keep it up ?


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Warrior from France
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Thank you @NancyTree I'm afraid reacting adequately this time might be putting impacts and running off the balance for a while, until I build enough strength. This is triggering a lot of insecurities on my side as my TCA doesn't seem to want to leave my side these past months and running a lot had helped keeping my head above the water. I don't know how to deal with it but clearly I have to take a step down because not being able to lift my leg enough to mount my bike or not being able to walk my daughter to school is not okay in my book...
@Froud thank you for taking time to write, it means a lot to me 😊 I quite enjoyed running 19km but the amount of pain I'm in is kind of getting in the way of the happiness of running 21km. And those last 10km were so painful I didn't enjoy myself either... It's not the good fatigue or muscle soreness from a hard training, I fear it is some kind of tendinitis, and that means understanding which muscles I need to strengthen specifically for this to subside...


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
And I forgot to add : I did D8 of unbound, 30 days of yoga and bootcamp. I think I'll have to modify for D9 of bootcamp...
Today I had to walk and bike a lot (grocerie shopping, farmer's market, getting my daughter to and from school) and I am in pain tonight...


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Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,323
It is frustrating, infuriating and can also be giving a tad of despair when you have to pause those things that help you best (at least, in my experience). What helped me was setting a plan; for instance alternative exercises like upperbody combat during my recovery time, and a plan on how to restart running for when I'll be able to. It gives me a feeling of control over the situation.

Are there other things that help you cope besides running?


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Are there other things that help you cope besides running?
Last year swimming helped. It will be more complicated to access during the week until summer (the opening hours are less accessible to me until then). But I think I could combine it with darebee workouts for abs and upperbody... Cycling and walking are out of the question for now (as a sport and not a mean of transportation I mean).


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Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Thank you @NancyTree I'm afraid reacting adequately this time might be putting impacts and running off the balance for a while, until I build enough strength. This is triggering a lot of insecurities on my side as my TCA doesn't seem to want to leave my side these past months and running a lot had helped keeping my head above the water. I don't know how to deal with it but clearly I have to take a step down because not being able to lift my leg enough to mount my bike or not being able to walk my daughter to school is not okay in my book...
@Froud thank you for taking time to write, it means a lot to me 😊 I quite enjoyed running 19km but the amount of pain I'm in is kind of getting in the way of the happiness of running 21km. And those last 10km were so painful I didn't enjoy myself either... It's not the good fatigue or muscle soreness from a hard training, I fear it is some kind of tendinitis, and that means understanding which muscles I need to strengthen specifically for this to subside...
Tendinitis is a nasting thing! Treat this well before it settles too long, trust me I had my share.
Have a rest and you will be fine! I had to follow the Stanish Protocol which was very useful

Take care!


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Tendinitis is a nasting thing! Treat this well before it settles too long, trust me I had my share.
Have a rest and you will be fine! I had to follow the Stanish Protocol which was very useful

Take care!
Yes I know... I'm a physiotherapist... :giveup:and I also know about the stanish protocol which is a good one, thanks for the links ;) I used it on many patients. The only trouble for me is that I don't understand exactly which tendons are concerned so I can't plan a treatment. I need someone else to tell me, so I have a doctor's appointment next tuesday.
In other news I went swimming today and that at least doesn't hurt :yas:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Did D9 of bootcamp and modified everything... It still hurt so I only did level I with longer rests between sets. I can't bring myself to stop it completely yet. Same thing with D9 of code of abs : level I and longer rests. Didn't have to modify D9 of 30 days of yoga as it was meditation :D


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @Gandhalfit I do need every little bit I can get, my leg is not doing great... :tu:
Today I did D12 of core strength, bootcamp and 30 days of yoga, and I went swimming for 30 minutes (1km).
Tomorrow I have multiple doctors appointment, including the one for my leg, I don't think I'll have the time to workout... (My doctor is always at least 2 hours late and I can't bring myself to show up late myself... So that means 2 hours of waiting... I'll bring a good book.)


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Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Yes I know... I'm a physiotherapist... :giveup:and I also know about the stanish protocol which is a good one, thanks for the links ;) I used it on many patients. The only trouble for me is that I don't understand exactly which tendons are concerned so I can't plan a treatment. I need someone else to tell me, so I have a doctor's appointment next tuesday.
In other news I went swimming today and that at least doesn't hurt :yas:
Silly me :)

I am sorry to read you are still in pain :( I hope the toubib will find the cause .(



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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
You can always use those hours waiting to do some movement ;)
I actually thought of that but the waiting room was packed so I just took a seat and read...
It seems I do have a tendinitis of the hamstrings. I have to wait on imaging to be sure and more specific though.
That should help me understand what movements I have to avoid for now though.

Yesterday I did D13 of code of abs and today I did D13 of bootcamp, modifying it a lot but keeping the jumping jacks and the squat jumps because they don't hurt as much. I can't do climbers though, that's really hurtful so I did shoulder taps instead. And in the same idea I did reverse lunges instead of high knees.
I rested on my back for every 2 minutes rest period. And then I did D13 of 30 days of yoga, without stretching my right leg (smaller poses on that side). It seemed to be okay.
I also walked to my sister's place and back and my pace was not as slow as it was last week. I'm still limping though, and had to rest my leg when I got there. Tonight my leg hurt a lot so I thought maybe I had exercised it too much but after 2 hours of rest it was all better again. So I guess things are slowly on the mend, even if running is out of the question for this summer I think. I'll also not bike because it asks too much of my legs on the hills and I can't take breaks or go slower so it doesn't hurt as much (if I go slower while cycling uphill it is way worse on my muscles). That means I will have to take my car at least once a day to take my daughter back to school at meal-time break. That makes me mad because so not climate-friendly but I have to get better... I'll stick to walking for the other times I take her to school and fetch her.
Oh and I did 1 pull-up, 2 chin-ups, 4 negative pull-ups and 30 secs dead hangs this morning.
Bye bees !


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @Montserrat and @NancyTree :heartsit:
I did end up taking my bike instead of my car because... Well I just couldn't.
Going on and off the bike is a bit tricky but I don't feel pain while cycling anymore so yay! I did use the electrical aid a lot more than I used to but, better that than the car option.
Also I went to the market this morning on foot and I could do D14 of bootcamp, core strength and 30 days of yoga without modifying. But I had to skip my african dance lesson, and instead rest my leg completely for 2 hours.
Also my big good news is : I've found a work-around my TCA!!! I've been racking my brains other this for months now and I have a solution that works for now : I pay close attention to what I eat one day and then the next I don't. Sounds simple enough but it is not and I'm so happy to have found a way that de-loads my brain with all this! It also helps tremendously with the fact I won't be able to run for the next months... I don't know how long this will work for me but I'm terribly happy for now! :twirl:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
I was easy to anger the whole day today... In french one would say "a ball of nerves" but I don't think it makes any sense in english... 😂
Managed to swim 900m and do D15 of bootcamp, core strength and 30 days of yoga. The meditation helped a bit, let's see how tonight goes... This is typically a day where running or a good hour of dance would help but I just can't...
See you tomorrow bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @Nihopaloa those days are hard indeed :heart:
And thank you @TopNotch for the correct idiom :thanks:
Today I swam 1200m in 30 minutes which is a good time for me, I'm quite pleased with myself :happy:
Also done D16 of core strength without modifying the plank crunches : my leg is getting better! And also D16 of 30 days of yoga and bootcamp. I'll see if I need to modify bootcamp tomorrow... Let's hope not!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @Nihopaloa and @Anek :love:
Today was mother's day in France so I got breakfast in bed and a poem from my eldest daughter... And it made me tear up:cutter: I'm such a mom... 😂
Then I had to prepare the meals (lunch, dinner, tomorrow's lunch and peanut butter cookies for my parents, as today was my dad birthday as well as mother's day). I tried a recipe on a cookbook I've been wanting for a long time my husband got me for our anniversary (also today), they were delicious :dig:
Then we ate and went to the swimming pool (1km today, wasn't up for more, my arms are tired from yesterday) and then off to my parents. There was a lot of cakes involved and also a lot of piano played on my part but I have to work again on the pieces I learned in the beginning of the year, I'm forgetting them!
And then back home with sandwiches in the car for the girls because they were tired and had had no nap : they fell asleep in the car and were put to bed as soon as we were home.
That meant I had time for D17 of bootcamp (no modifications!!! A little bit of pain but managable with the rest time.) core strength and 30 days of yoga.
I'm so happy! I think I'll try going back to my african dance lesson this week :moves:
Have a nice evening or day bees!
Last edited:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
@JCU and @TopNotch thank you! :thanks:
@Anek it was! A lovely week-end indeed.
Today I went to the pool with my daughter's class. I ended up mainly being with two girls who were afraid of puting their heads under the water, I don't know if I was that much help to the teacher... One of them I didn't help that much, the other I stood by while she progressively (through many tries) managed to touch the bottom of the pool. We weren't deep in water of course but it was such a progression from the early days where she didn't want to go deeper than the waist in the water! I was really glad to be there and watch her do that, because after that she just did it over and over again. I think the pool will be a lot more fun for her from now on! I'm happy!
Workout wise, I did D18 of bootcamp with 8kg weights, and D18 of core strength without modifying those lateral raises or plank leg raises and D18 of 30 days of yoga. 10 minutes meditation. That was reaaaally hard tonight. I broke at 9 minutes and looked at the remaining time. Oh well... Room for progress.
Have a nice night of day bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Didn't do any workouts yesterday, I had a meeting with an association in the evening that took all my spare time and more as I got home way past my bed time... I did walk my daughter to school, use my bike for grocery shopping and went to fetch my daughter with the little one on my back without leg pain!!! I'm getting better by the day! Yay!

Next is just some venting about the evening, feel free to skip it entirely.

I was anxious about last night's meeting because the association is about what we can do locally to inform and take action for the environment. My problem is that it triggers major anxiety issues for me, but as I'm anxious anyway, I'm thinking I should at least try to do something about it. Anyway, last night there were new members and we had this meeting to meet them and discuss the major water pollution we have in my town, and watch a documentary about how these problems were brought up to the authorities both on national and european level.
I was already an emotional mess after the projection even though I already knew the whole content health-wise. But they insisted on how it affects breast-milk and how that messes up the children's immune system and that will get me anytime... Major anxiety trigger to understand I've been poisoning my baby girls while breastfeeding them. I've known this for months but I don't think I'll get over this in like ever...
After the film, there was a debate on what the association should do : they already wrote a letter sent to the authorities and to the press, and they wondered what the next step was. Anyway, there was a new guy there and what he said made me litteraly sick. He was just upfront talking about taxing sugar because he didn't want to pay for all the people that overate and then were sick, and bought their meals in the box in the supermarket, saying they were responsible of their health and they did that with cigarettes and should do it with the sugar. I needed to answer but was so angry my answer was not with the best arguments... And someone told me that it really wasn't the subject of the debate tonight, which was so true. But it stayed with me the whole night and I kept waking up during the whole night replaying this. I know I wouldn't have changed his opinion in the end. I know it is pointless. I have to accept that not everybody share my views on such topics. But he is a pharmacist. And it pains me to see that yet someone else in the health care system puts the responsibility (and here the blame) on people's behavior rather than on both that and the system we live in. There's been no action in France to actually prevent people from buying "bad" products or legislation to keep those "bad" products from the supermarkets shelves. Mental health care is often too expensive for people to afford, and a candy bar can provide comfort when life sucks.
He even said that the whole movement against overweight-persons-racism was a scam brought up by supermarkets and big companies to let people binge. When it's really a complaint that whatever's your health problem in France, even more so if you're a woman, people will tell you it's coming from your weight. Even if it has nothing to do with it or if the scientific data is insufficient to draw these conclusions.
I should stop mulling over this. It seems I can't right now though.


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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
It shocks me too hearing smart people say really stupid things but if you think about it if enough people repeat it a stupid thing becomes a truth for some people.
I find this especially sad.


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Now for a workout log (this is what this thread is for right ? )
First of all, thank you @TakingBabyStepsBack and @Zeugma
Meditating is really hard for me, because it makes me access my anxieties really quickly... Maybe it will improve with time or maybe it's just not my thing. Time will tell !

Yesterday I didn't feel like doing my programs so I did a 45 minutes video of fitness instead and it went well with my leg.
Today I caught up with my programs doing D19 and D20 of bootcamp, 30 days of yoga and core strength this morning and D21 of the same programs tonight (except 30 days of yoga because it is 15minutes meditation and I just don't have time for that tonight). I had no pain while walking or cycling today and went to my african dance lesson : no pain either ! I only felt it wasn't completely cured while doing jumping lunges on the 5th set of bootcamp. I think I'm ready to start slowly building up my runs again. I'll start saturday with something like from walking to running. I'm hyped about this ! The solution for me this time was actually to up my protein intake : I'm mostly vegan (I eat eggs from time to time) and when I calculated my protein intake I realised I was way too low... So I've been using one shake of protein powder every three day and the other two I take spiruline (which I hate... but is a very good source of proteins and has a very low impact on the environment...) and things have been going better and better ever since. I'm sooooo happy !!! :dance::move::yes:


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Posts: 283
"Keep fighting. Fortune will favor the patient and persistent."
Walking to running is a good tactic! When I was a runner, I started by doing an interval program on an app called RunDouble...not sure if it still exists. But point is, it started with more walking than running and slowly built me up over time. A similar tactic may get you back to running sooner than you think. :)


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Wow, so much has happened.
First of all, you're really tough, it's inspiring.
Happy belated Mother's Day.
Ball if nerves makes perfect sense. But you are so productive and busy and you don't let your nerves rule you :yas: