How long will I keep it up ?


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Warrior from France
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@Gandhalfit thank you so much! :love: I wouldn't describe myself as tough because I cry so much in my daily life and had to adapt a lot of my life due to my anxiety issues. But I do fight for what I believe anyway. And darebee and you guys have been a tremendous help, because I am proud of working out regularly and it helps so much and on so many levels in my life. I am a very obstinate kind of girl and once my goal is set on something I don't let go easily. Sometimes to a breaking point. But that's another issue :dizzy:

Yesterday was flee market day, and I found the perfect gift for my daughter's birthday, alongside a few things I needed. :yes:
So it was a 10000 steps day, and then we went to an outside show for "summer feast". I went swimming for 30 minutes just before the swimming pool closed (and I had the pool to myself which is always a treat).
I also did D23 of bootcamp, core strength and 30 days of yoga.
I didn't start the from walking to running challenge yet but did 2 30minutes fitness videos (hiit and weight training with 2×8kg dumbells). I was very sweaty and happy at the end of those !
I still put on some weight but I blame the cookie-pie and the peanut butter nice cream (caroube, peanut butter and frozen banana...) and it was totally worth it !
Today is vegan brunch with my sister and her family :drywash:
Have a nice day bees !


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
My routine has been off : both my daughters were sick. I didn't work out yesterday (other than carry my 16 kg daughter on my back from school yesterday because she couldn't walk back. My leg hurt afterwards...)
Today I only did D25 of bootcamp, core strength and 30 days of yoga as I had to take care of daughters at home. My mood is meh tonight, maybe because I'm tired...


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Friday :
Swam 1km, did D27 of bootcamp, core strength and 30 days of yoga and went for running drills on 3km (ran untill it was too painful then walked untill it was ok to run again, 4 times). And then I stopped because I didn't want to overdo it and be in pain the next day. But I ran again! :worried:
Saturday was my daughter's birthday party (not her real birthday because that's during the summer and her friends aren't around) so it was very intense but went well.
Later in the afternoon I had the rehearsal for the dancing show and then the show in the evening (I only danced like 2 minutes but I had fun).
No darebee or any other exercise.
Today we went on a little hike with the daughter's (flat and very easy) but I'm really tired so I don't know if I'll be keeping up with my programs tonight. Time will tell :ss:
Have a nice day or night bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Yesterday I did D28 and 29 of bootcamp, core strength and 30 days of yoga.
Today I swam 1,2km and did D30 of bootcamp, core strength and 30 days of yoga. I'll start back and core and 30 more days of yoga tomorrow to match the next 30 days of bootcamp.
Have a nice day or night bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @CODawn :flowers:
Thursday I thought I would have a workout at my african dance lesson but it was only a meeting with food as it was the last lesson of the schoolyear. I was a bit disappointed and had no time to workout afterwards as I went to play the piano part for my sister's singing small show. The keyboard had no pedal and it was plain awful... I told her it would have gone better for her if she had karaoke'd but we had fun rehearsing together so... Sorry for our audience ears! :D
Yesterday I felt sick and too tired to workout so I skipped again.
Today I swam 1km and did D33 of bootcamp and D3 of back and core. I just will skip D3 of 30 more days of yoga because I don't have it in me to meditate for 20 minutes... :whaa:
Have a nice day or night bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Sunday : no workouts, I was busy with the housewarming party and should have started with working out if I'd wanted to do anything in that area...
Monday : very hot day, didn't feel like working out but I went to the pool and swam 1,2km. Very big meeting in the evening that started early and ended late so no workout either.
I will resume to my daily training today (I hope) 🤞
I will edit this post if I do. :gogogo:

Edit : I went swimming (1km) and did D34 of bootcamp, D4 of back and core and 30 more days of yoga.

Have a nice day or night bees !
Last edited:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @dancer :love:
Yesterday I did D35 of bootcamp and D5 of 30 more days of yoga and back and core and I swam 1,2km
Today I felt sick. I still managed to do my grocery shopping on foot (but without carrying my daughter so walking quite slowly) and did D36 of bootcamp and D6 of back and core. I'll skip the 20 minutes of meditation of D6 of 30 more days of yoga.
Have a nice night of day bees !


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @Mamatigerj :love: I am better though not completely cured
Friday I did D37 of bootcamp, D7 of back and core and of 30 more days of yoga.
Saturday was the end-of-year-school-party of my daughter, I was there from 9 a.m. untill 11p.m. and I didn't do any workouts (except carrying things to set them up and then back again in the evening). I did walk around a lot (+13k steps...)
Today I am soooo tired... My brain doesn't want to think anymore and everything I try to do fails. I cried while hanging the laundry to dry this morning, then I was back to school to help finish cleaning up. I tried to count how much money we raised for school but too many receipts are still missing. I guess I'll spend next week running after them while people harass me to know how much we raised for the school...
The car wouldn't start so a friend from the school came and helped my husband figure it out. I tried looking after our girls meanwhile but kept dosing off so I put them in front of the TV for an hour... Hopefully the repair doesn't cost much because we're very low moneywise right now...
I tried going for a run to get out of my awful mood. Managed 4km but my leg hurt badly afterwards... Still not completely fixed.
I did do D38 of bootcamp and D8 of bootcamp and 30 more days of yoga, and though I said I might, I didn't bite anyone's head off. Today I'll call it a win...


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Warrior from France
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Thanks for all the hugs and support @JCU @Nihopaloa @Montserrat @Fremen @Sevalys @BetaCorvi :love:
I was just really tired I think because today felt easier.
I went swimming 1km and did D39 of bootcamp and D9 of back and core and skipped D9 of 30 more days of yoga. I wanted to do D40 and D10 of my programs to catch up but I'm feeling tired tonight so I'll probably try to catch up tomorrow...
Have a nice night or day bees !


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @Anek :love:
Today was awful. I finally got all those receipts so I wanted to do the accounts. I had started a bit on sunday but still had an enormous amount of work to do. I ended up spending all morning looking for who had spend 10€ at the supermarket in february using the shop's credit card of the association. Turns out I lost mine so probably someone just randomly used it for grocery shopping. I thought I had packed it with the moving but I can't find it anywhere... My luck is that they only used 10€, it could have been way worse... I phoned the supermarket and they closed our account (we didn't use it anyway). They said they sent the signed receipt but I never got it in the mail... Anyway the books are done, every receipt scanned and filed. I only have to double check with the accountant and this will be over. What a stressful day!
I went running when my husband got home : 5km continuous run then D40 of bootcamp, D10 of back and core and 30 more days of yoga. But my leg is not ready for that yet and the pain is back, though not as much as a month ago.
It did help calm my nerves so there's that :happy:
Have a nice night or day bees!


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
If I had to file for my own taxes I'd be in jail ages ago. What a headache. Good thing it's over for now.
I went running when my husband got home
Good thing this sentence is followed by more information


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Yesterday I did no workouts... I was very busy and had to finish those accounts... Urgh...
Today I went back to it, though it was mostly because I checked D12 of back and core and saw it lasted a whole 90 seconds and I thought I could at least do that. Then I did D42 of bootcamp that felt really hard this time... And I skipped again D12 of 30 more days of yoga (25 minutes meditation !!! :whaa:)
I'm proud I exercised although I didn't feel like it :D
I will catch up on the threads tomorrow, I need to sleep now...
Have a nice night or day bees !