Steadfast as the Hills of Stone


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Thank you, @JCU , @NancyTree , @Silent Wolf , @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @Maly , @HellYeah , @PetiteSheWolf , @Fremen , @aku-chan , @TopNotch , @JohnStrong , @BetaCorvi , @Anek , @Haleth , @CODawn , @mavie ! :lovely:

Tuesday, January 17

-- 1 hr 45 min run | a long run on the first day of my period… It wasn't the most pleasant run for sure. My muscles got tired easily, my joints felt rusty and my lower abdomen and lower back reminded me from time to time that if I dared to go any faster, they'd protest with cramps.

-- 3x pull-ups to failure: 3-1-1 | day 6 of Push & Pull
-- 3x24 shoulder taps | day 6 of Chest & Arms
-- 2x30 sec elbow plank | day 6 of Cardio HIIT
-- 5x10 flutter kicks | day 6 of Makeover
-- 30 sec superman hold | day 6 of Hollow Hold

Late afternoon
-- 30 burpees | day 6 of Burpee
-- 3x3 min march steps | day 17 of The Guardian | subquest: all clear

After checking out the pull-up bar, the cat decided to just stay there.


Wednesday, January 18

Before breakfast
-- 45 min easy run

-- 3x push-ups to failure: 22-10-4 | day 7 of Push & Pull
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 5-5-6 | day 7 of Chest & Arms
-- 35 sec hollow hold | day 7 of Hollow Hold
-- Day 18 of The Guardian | subquest: 100 goblins

Thursday, January 19

Speed repeats:
-- 15 min warmup
-- 3x: 5 min fast pace (4:47-4:59) | 3 min jog
-- 6x: 30 sec fast pace (4:41-4:53) | 1 min jog
-- 15 min cooldown

Late evening
-- 3x4 min march steps | day 19 of The Guardian | subquest: 100 goblins

That was all for today, plus a thorough clean-up of the flat because I had guests in the evening.

Also, the first shipment of the weapons we've ordered for the D&D larp we'll go to in February have arrived! Three axes, seven daggers and some monster body parts. :LOL: The maces, swords and shields will come towards the end of January.



Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Cats will get into and onto the strangest places, won't they? 😅
Absolutely... :epicdance:

Friday, January 20

-- 3x pull-ups to failure: 2-2-1 | day 8 of Push & Pull
-- 4x20 shoulder taps | day 8 of Chest & Arms
-- Day 18 of The Guardian | with 0.75 kg ankle weights | subquest: 200 goblins
-- 35 sec superman hold | day 8 of Hollow Hold

-- Day 7 of Cardio HIIT
-- Day 9 of Power HIIT | lvl III | 3 kg dumbbells

Late afternoon
-- Day 7 of Makeover
-- 45 burpees | day 7 of Burpee


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Saturday, 22 January

Before breakfast
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 25-6-13 | day 9 of Push & Pull | the reason the last set might be considerably more voluminous sometimes is that my rest times are random--I usually read posts in the Hive during rests and don't start a timer. 😅
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 10-5-12 | day 9 of Chest & Arms
-- 3x30 sec elbow plank | day 8 of Cardio HIIT
-- 3x20 flutter kicks | day 8 of Makeover | with 0.75 kg ankle weights
-- 40 sec hollow hold | day 9 of Hollow Hold
-- 30 sec plank | day 8 of Burpee

-- 30 sec plank | day 8 of Burpee

Late afternoon
-- 30 sec plank | day 8 of Burpee

-- 3x4 min march steps | day 21 of The Guardian | with 0.75 kg ankle weights | subquest: all clear

Sunday, 22 January

Before breakfast
-- 45 min run

-- 3x pull-ups to failure: 3-1-1 | day 10 of Push & Pull
-- 4x22 shoulder taps | day 10 of Chest & Arms
-- Day 22 of The Guardian | with 0.75 kg ankle weights | subquest: all clear
-- 40 sec superman hold | day 10 of Hollow Hold

Monday, 23 January

Before breakfast
-- 45 min run

-- 3x push-ups to failure: 15-18-12 | day 11 of Push & Pull
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 6-6-3 | day 11 of Chest & Arms
-- 45 sec hollow hold | day 11 of Hollow Hold

Late afternoon
-- Day 9 of Cardio HIIT
-- Day 10 of Power HIIT | lvl III | 3 kg dumbbells | those holds were tough!

-- Day 9 of Makeover
-- 45 burpees | day 9 of Burpee
-- 3x4 min march steps | day 23 of The Guardian | subquest: all clear


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Tuesday, 24 January

40 min run:
-- 5 min warmup
-- 20 min easy pace (6:01-6:39)
-- 10 min fast pace (4:47-4:59)
-- 5 min cooldown

-- 3x pull-ups to failure: 3-2-1 | day 12 of Push & Pull
-- 4x24 shoulder taps | day 12 of Chest & Arms
-- 3x30 sec elbow plank | day 10 of Cardio HIIT
-- 4x20 flutter kicks | day 10 of Makeover
-- Day 24 of The Guardian | subquest: 200 goblins
-- 45 sec superman hold | day 12 of Hollow Hold

Late afternoon
-- 50 burpees | day 10 of Burpee

-- Day 11 of Power HIIT | lvl III | with 6 kg kettlebell

I've been in a bad mood since my accountant told me that soon I'd have to pay considerably more for taxes and contributions. Knowing how corrupt the government is, this just feels like I'm robbed of my money which is then thrown into a sinkhole and literally no one benefits from it. I drowned my emotions in work and made good progress and that helped me calm down somewhat. :chat:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Thank you for the hugs, @JCU , @NancyTree , @mavie , @Fremen , @BetaCorvi , @Anek , @PetiteSheWolf ! :love:

Wednesday, January 25

Before breakfast
-- 50 min run

-- 3x push-ups to failure: 22-12-13 | day 13 of Push & Pull
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 8-4-6 | day 13 of Chest & Arms
-- 50 sec hollow hold | day 13 of Hollow Hold

-- bouldering | I'm now convinced that I'm fit enough for bouldering. My muscles and grip felt strong, and my balance wasn't too off either. I'm obviously lacking technique--maybe one day I'll try some beginner classes? And I should boost my confidence too, because if you don't believe you're able to get to the top, your body definitely won't make the effort to try. :LOL:

Late evening
-- 3x5 min march steps | day 25 of The Guardian | subquest: all clear

Thursday, 26 January

40 min run:
-- 5 min warmup
-- 20 min easy run (6:01-6:39)
-- 10 min fast pace (4:47-4:59)
-- 5 min cooldown

-- Day 11 of Makeover
-- Day 26 of The Guardian | subquest: all clear
I intended to do the Burpees too, but after about 6 reps I felt sharp pain in my left hand after every time I put pressure on it, surely because of yesterday's bouldering session.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Friday, 27 January

Before breakfast
-- 3x pull-ups to failure: 2-2-1 | day 14 of Push & Pull
-- 5x20 shoulder taps | day 14 of Chest & Arms | my left hand didn't appreciate having to support my body here either
-- 5x20 flutter kicks | day 12 of Makeover | with 0.75 kg ankle weights
-- 50 sec superman hold | day 14 of Hollow Hold

-- Day 11 of Cardio HIIT
-- Day 12 of Power HIIT | lvl III | 3 kg dumbbells
-- Stretched | with EC | still being very sore from bouldering, this felt great

Late afternoon
-- 3x5 min march steps | day 27 of The Guardian | with 0.75 kg ankle weights | subquest: 50 goblins

This was supposed to be a D&D night (or Pathfinder rather, we just switched to that), but my boyfriend got flooded with work. And he's the DM, so... :(


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Saturday, 28 January

Before breakfast
-- Day 13 of Makeover
-- Morning Upgrade | with EC | I got through the regular elbow plank, but I dropped just about 15 seconds before the side plank's end, on both sides. :flat:

-- 3x push-ups to failure: 8-4-10 | day 15 of Push & Pull | on my knuckles to avoid further straining my hand
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 4-3-5 | day 15 of Chest & Arms | on my knuckles
-- 3x30 sec elbow plank | day 12 of Cardio HIIT
-- 55 sec hollow hold | day 15 of Hollow Hold
-- Day 28 of The Guardian | with 0.75 kg ankle weights | subquest: 200 goblins

My left hand still wasn't up to burpees. Even opening a bottle hurt if I wasn't careful. :eyes: By the evening it got better though!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Thank you, @NancyTree , @mavie , @Anek ! :love: My wrist was fine, it was as if I strained a tendon in my palm or something. But it seems it's already good now! :ss:

Sunday, January 29

Before breakfast
-- 50 min run

Most of this day was spent at a kick-off meeting of the organisers of this year's Tolkien camp. The whole structure will be changed up this year, so we spent about five hours discussing the new concept. Then my boyfriend and I excused ourselves from socialising afterwards, and went instead to play Pathfinder--the session that we were meant to have on Friday.

So, not much intentional exercise, but at least there was a bit of biking to and from places. And I didn't skip my run. I'm training for a race again, so skipping runs is not an option, unless my body absolutely needs rest.

Monday, January 30

51 min run:
-- 15 min warmup
-- 6x: 1 min fast pace (4:41-4:53) | 1 min jog
-- 6x: 30 sec fast pace (4:03-4:16) | 1 min jog
-- 15 min cooldown

-- Day 29-30 of The Guardian | subquest: 200 goblins | :completed:

Late afternoon
-- Day 13 of Cardio HIIT
-- Day 13 of Power HIIT | lvl III | with 6 kg kettlebell


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Thank you, @NancyTree , @HellYeah , @JCU , @Fremen , @Anek , @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @Haleth , @TopNotch , @BetaCorvi !

Tuesday, January 31

-- 1 hr 45 min run

-- 3x pull-ups to failure: 2-2-2 | day 16 of Push & Pull
-- 5x22 shoulder taps | day 16 of Chest & Arms
-- 3x30 flutter kicks | day 14 of Makeover
-- 4x30 sec elbow plank | day 14 of Cardio HIIT
-- 55 sec superman hold | day 16 of Hollow Hold

Late afternoon
-- 55 burpees | day 11 of Burpee

-- Day 14 of Power HIIT | lvl I | 3 kg dumbbells


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Thank you, @CODawn , @Froud , @Silent Wolf , @Lallafa , @roman , @mavie ! :love:

Wednesday, February 1

Before breakfast
-- 50 min run

-- 3x push-ups to failure: 20-6-6 | day 17 of Push & Pull
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 5-3-9 | day 17 of Chest & Arms
-- 60 sec hollow hold | day 17 of Hollow Hold

Thursday, February 2

1 hr run
-- 15 min warmup
-- 30 min goal race pace (5:18-5:30)
-- 15 min cooldown

I got quite a big job with quite a short deadline, and both of these days my evenings were off (D&D on Wednesday, council meeting with the Hungarian Tolkien Society on Thursday), so workouts were skipped. I was still almost an hour late handing in the doc, but no one complained, so I suppose it's fine… :eyes:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Thank you, @OJJJEM ! :love:

Friday, February 3

-- TV workout | several times while working

-- Day 15 of Cardio HIIT
-- Day 15 of Makeover
-- Day 15 of Power HIIT | lvl I | 3 kg dumbbells

-- 4x30 sec plank | day 12 of Burpee
-- Days 1-3 of Warrior Abs | path of the dagger
-- Borderland | lvl II | uh-oh, my left knee began complaining… I thought wiser to stop at lvl II

Saturday, 4 February

-- 4x30 sec elbow plank | day 16 of Cardio HIIT
-- 4x30 flutter kicks | day 16 of Makeover | with 0.75 kg ankle weights
-- 55 burpees | day 13 of Burpee | it's been so many days since I last continued this challenge that I forgot that I was supposed to do full burpees… :eyes: I only did full ones for the last 10 reps, everything up to that point was basic. I don't feel like redoing an entire day of this challenge, so let's just forget about this little slip. :p
-- 5x1 min punches | day 4 of Warrior Abs
-- Day 16 of Power HIIT | lvl II | 3 kg dumbbells

-- 3x pull-ups to failure: 2-1-1 | day 18 of Push & Pull
-- 5x24 shoulder taps | day 18 of Chest & Arms
-- Stretched
-- 60 sec superman hold | day 18 of Hollow Hold

Sunday, 5 February

-- 50 min run

Late afternoon
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 24-8-10 | day 19 of Push & Pull
-- 3x push-ups to failure: 3-4-3 | day 19 of Chest & Arms
-- 1 min 10 sec hollow hold | day 19 of Hollow Hold
-- Day 5 of Warrior Abs | path of the daggers
-- Day 17 of Power HIIT | lvl I | 3 kg dumbbells


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
Tuesday, 7 February

1 hr 25 min run
-- 5 min warmup jog
-- 1 hr easy run (6:01-6:39)
-- 10 min race goal pace (5:18-5:30)
-- 5 min fast pace (4:47-4:59)
-- 5 min cooldown jog

Wow, it's been quite a while since I had such a bad night. I'm not sure what caused it, maybe eating too much before bed? Though my boyfriend said he had a similarly unrestful night, and I think he was less gluttonous in the evening than me. In any case, nightmares followed nightmares, and I woke up in the morning as if I went to bed hours later than bedtime, even though I went to bed on time. So, apart from the run, I took a gentle day. I even did some of my work from the couch after the cat decided I was the most comfortable pillow around during my afternoon coffee break.