Stronger everyday


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Today was my first HIIT workout with timed intervals. It was tough! Nice to not keep track of reps though.
I also climbed a mountain which was 1 push-up/squat, 2 push-ups/squats, up to 10 and back down to 1. Fortune smiled on me! I completed my final push-up just as my 10 minutes was up. I really didn't think I'd make it. Now I'll be expected to repeat that success next week (gulp) 😅

thrones mountain GIF


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Easier workout planned today so I'm recovered fully for a tough one tomorrow. I'm thinking some imagination will help me endure tomorrow's challenge. The animal I will channel will be a ... power frog. Lots of jump squats :)

Smash Rare Replay GIF by Rare Ltd

I'm enjoying the Original Strength program. It's the first time I've tried movement drills to improve range of motion.

Inspired by @GentleOx , here are some musical selections!

The tune that starts playing in my head as I steel myself for exercise. No direction but forward!

One of my favourite Dungeon Synth releases lately. Simple and I love the reverb:

SRVENT is a fellow Albertan whose work I've grown to really appreciate. Elizabeth Chamberlain's performance in this is great:
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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
This is a short body check-in.

I've been a little bit sore and achy for over a week now. Just a little bit. In my legs, my chest, and shoulders. I've been doing a 5K on the weekend when I don't normally jog. Probably the culprit. Plus I don't stretch. And I think I aggravated an old shoulder injury... left rotator cuff.
My doctor informed me my bloodwork indicates I'm dehydrated, so I'm trying to consume more water. Harder than it sounds! I'm not caring for water lately.
Overall I'm pleased with my fat loss on this latest fitness chapter, but trying to remind myself that belly fat is like the Fat-Loss-Final-Boss. Numerous minions to defeat first. Could take years.
Very pleased with the amount of sun I've been getting. I take 1-2 walking breaks in the morning and afternoon.

Off to my exercise spot! 🤸‍♂️


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Completed every workout on every level of difficulty (244 total) for 100 No-equipment Workouts Volume #4 🥳

100 HIIT Workouts is my next project.

@neilarey Any chance 100 No-equipment Volumes #1-4 books will be re-printed? Congratulations, nearly all are sold out on the Canadian Amazon store 💪


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
I am fatigued 😑
Lots of muscle soreness, particularly in legs. A recent session with many jumping lunges did me in. I've decided I should take it easy for the next few days to facilitate recovery and just focus on low impact movement. When you struggle to 1) get on your bike and, 2) keep up with your children as you stagger around like Frankenstein, it's time for an adjustment :)

I am averse to stretching — due to the time commitment, seems boring, and I'm skeptical of its usefulness. Maybe it's time I try again. I'll look up a Darebee stretching routine.

I am not happy with my internet usage. I am indulging too much in various bits of social media and entertainment. I have noticed this is easier to avoid when I'm reading a good book. Or when I'm absorbed in a creative project. Purely attempting to avoid something is such a weak strategy, versus replacing it with something new and engaging. Finding this to be factual more and more.
Me: Avoid bad habits? Negative. Replace bad with good. A vacuum is just idleness... 😈
Also me: BUT (imagine a grand canyon echo)... boredom is precious. It's like fertile ground for self-reflection and new ideas.​
Me: Okay, but isn't boredom also idleness? Isn't there risk of bad habits taking root?
Also me: Boredom is a battleground​
Me: 🙄😆😌
Also me: Every action we take sets in motion a new habit—​
Me: Ok, ok, stop


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
50 Push-ups a Day completed :v:

Chapter 1: Calm waters, smooth sailing (what me worry?)
Chapter 2: Dawn of the rotator cuff rehab

My physiotherapist confirmed yesterday that I do have a rotator cuff issue in my left shoulder. Thankfully it's not too serious, given the range of motion I'm capable of. I've been prescribed a 6-month program to follow and intend to take it very seriously, given how long I've felt the joint murmuring. The fact it's shouting at me now has given me the opportunity to finally address it. All upper body battles are cancelled till further notice.

I can feel it kind of throbbing right now. I'll be doing as much as I can to minimize the use of my left arm. Thankfully I'm right-handed. I'm disappointed I won't be able to follow through with various fitness paths (push-up gains, pull-up progression) but I view this as a chance to learn how to adapt. I'm thinking of it like my body is experiencing some very bad weather and I need to give it shelter. I think I'm going to pick-up the 60-days of Walking program (heading out for Day 1 shortly) and maybe a lower body challenge. I should be able to follow through with my Original Strength challenge (about 1.5 weeks left) and will just avoid upper body movements / restrict left-arm movement to below shoulder height.


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Shoulder rehab going well. I think I'll DIY an ice pack with some water and isopropyl alcohol. My big bag of frozen berries isn't working so great 😆

I like the walking program. I think I'll lower my daily quota of standing-while-working (4 hours to 2 hours) because I've had sore heels too many evenings lately. Standing breaks will continue. My sessions of activity are a lot gentler than they used to be. I miss the satisfaction of intense exercise. But that's overshadowed by my gratitude for a body that is finally feeling less sore. I think my hamstrings are still recovering from a series of jumping lunges 2 weeks ago. I don't appear to have any issues pushing myself solo so far :)

If someone were to ask me how I stay dedicated to daily exercise and stay committed to finishing difficult workouts that I start, my response would be: "Just following orders!" (salutes 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper)

To me, Darebee programs and challenges represent externally determined goals I get to try and accomplish from a trustworthy authority. Optional fitness missions. Once recruited my only job is to follow orders. That alleviates a significant burden. It makes me think about the freedom good leadership (and self-leadership) enables.


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Thank you for all the birthday wishes! It was a fine birthday. A blueberry smoothie was my treat.

I am continuing to follow my shoulder rehab program. I am a bit frustrated with it. A 40-minute session in the AM and PM feels like A LOT right now. But, what's the alternative? Live with a weak shoulder I'm at risk of injuring again?

Something is giving my hamstrings the beats! So sore. Is it my walking program? The march steps? I don't know. Ohhh, I'm doing the better legs challenge right now... lots of back leg raises. Maybe that's it 😆 It's funny because they're not that difficult to perform.



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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
I generally stay off the scale but decided to weigh myself this morning. Since dropping my HIIT workouts to replace them with shoulder rehab and a walking program I figured my weight loss had probably stalled or even increased a bit... nope, in the last month or so I lost 6.9 pounds = 177.6 lbs! I'm still floored. I haven't been sub-180 in years. Very pleased :LOL::gotthis:


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Another physio appointment later today; I hope my routine doesn't get any longer. My guy warned me last time that 'at this point, a lot of people get impatient with the process'. Guilty as charged! My shoulder is feeling pretty good. All the inflammation is gone and I'm experiencing little to no pain (where I expect it) with overhead movements. Anyway, could be a long road ahead yet.

Meanwhile I continue with a walking program and a legs challenge. I miss push-ups.



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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Feeling refreshed and grateful. Our family played close to home yesterday and spent the day mostly in our backyard weeding, cleaning, and organizing.

It's a blessing to have some earth to call our own.

I've become very accustomed to my morning walks. I've been experimenting with holding a book at eye level, outstretched, and reading as I walk. My wife is concerned I'll break my neck but I'm celebrating some new reading time! Time is precious these days. From my current read Modern Miss Mason:
Charlotte believed that anything (particularly any book) that was to be used as a resource for a child's education must come from the mind of a great thinker straight to the mind of a child.
Excellent primer on Charlotte Mason, highly recommend.

I'm trying to reduce my screen time by trying a paper first policy. This means writing out something on paper first and then transcribing it if it's destination is online (such as this post).

I borrowed a DVD collection of Hitchcock's early films from the library, but I'm in total denial. I have absolutely no time to watch a movie!

Really enjoying beets with my meals these days. I eat 12 ounces of blueberries daily and love it. Very proud of my wife, she is celebrating some significant weight loss with friends today. She figured it out as a full-time mom, not easy. Both of us have shrunk our waist lines thanks to an orderly, consistent approach to our meals.

And here is a poppy my daughter rescued from compost:


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 578
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
:v: Completed Better Legs challenge

Halfway through 60 Days of Walking program. Almost halfway through my current shoulder rehab program. Started Leg Day Every Day challenge today. Tempted to take on a core challenge too.

Feeling good. Sleep isn't great. I'm delivering papers for a family friend on vacation. Waking around 2:30am to get the job done. Taking naps where I can.

Was able to manage 15 minutes of Hitchcock's The Lady Vanishes (1938) on DVD before the morning routine starts.

I've become interested in acquiring old technology (e.g. CRT TVs, VHS, cassette players) to enjoy entertainment offline, a bit of nostalgia, and to introduce them to my kids. Very little money to set aside for this so it's forced me to consider why it's important. Frugality can be a wonderful lifestyle for getting to the heart of why I want things. So often, if I muster the patience to avoid an impulse purchase, I find just naked consumerism fueling the whole thing. I want, but why? Stopping to explore that question has saved our family a lot of money.

Speaking of saving money — thanks Darebee :heart:
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