Here we go again


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,800
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Happy New Year!

New Year Party GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Thank you @Mamatigerj , @Anek , @Nevetharine , @MadamMeow !

Jan 3

Universal warmup
50 push-ups a day, day 27 (5x12)
Jumping jacks (5x1 min)

Universal warmup​
Bench press, 1x12, 10+10 kg + 3x12, 10+14 kg​
Incline bench press, 4x12, 10+14 kg​
Pec dec fly, 4x12, 35 kg​
Cable push-down, 1x12, 15 kg + 2x12, 20 kg​
V-Bar push-down, 1x12, 20 kg + 2x12, 25 kg​

Streak 2
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Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Jan 4

First thing water
Universal warmup
50 push-ups a day, day 28 (12+12+12+24)

Universal warmup​
Squats, 3x12, 40 kg​
Adductor machine, 2x12, 25 kg + 1x12, 30 kg​
Leg press 45º, 2x12, 70 kg + 1x12, 76 kg​
Hack squats, 3x12, 34 kg​
Abductor machine, 3x20, 25 kg​

Streak 3


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Today I started the counting victories challenge. It's good to do some darebee challenges together with the gym stuff

Jan 5

First thing water
Universal warmup
Counting victories, day 1

Lat pull-downs, 12, 25 kg + 15, 30 kg + 12, 30 kg​
Close-grip lat pull-downs, 12+12+15, 30 kg​
Seated rows, 3x12, 30 kg​
Alt bicep curls, 1x12, 8 kg ea + 2x12, 7 kg ea​
T-bar rows, 12+12+15, 30 kg​
Ab crunches and leg raises, 2x15 + 1x20​

Streak 4


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Thank you @Mamatigerj @JCU @Nevetharine @mavie @Maegaranthelas @Fremen @Anek !!

Today was my first day with a new training plan, which I got as part of enrolling at the gym. But the plan is never ending and it took me almost 90 minutes to finish, that's not something I can keep up with.
Anyway, I intend on going 4 times a week to the gym over the next 3 weeks, so I've added a count below, like a darebee challenge :strong:

Jan 8

First thing water

Gym (1/12)
Universal warmup​
Inclined bench press, 1x12, 26 kg + 5x12, 30 kg​
Overhead press, 3x12, 6 kg ea​
Dumbbell press, 3x12, 12 kg ea​
Front raises, 12+12+15, 4 kg ea​
Fly peck deck, 12, 25 kg + 2x12, 30 kg​
Sven press, 3x15, 5 kg​
Pullover, 3x15, 6 kg​
Bar push-down 15+15+12, 25 kg​
Cable push-down, 12+12+12, 20 kg​
Plank, 3x1 min​
Counting victories, day 4

Streak 7


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Thank you @MadamMeow !

Jan 9

First thing water

Squats, 2x45​
Leg extension, 1x12, 25 kg + 15, 25 kg + 15, 30 kg​
Leg press, 12+15+15, 42 kg​
Calf press, 15+18+18, 42 kg​
Abductor chair (pushing out), 12, 25 kg + 12, 25 kg + 15, 20 kg​
Adductor chair (pulling in), 3x15, 25 kg​
Squats, 9, 40 kg + 9, 40 kg + 12, 30 kg​
Deadlift, 3x12, 20 kg​
10 min bike​
Streak 8


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 360
Jan 10

First thing water
Gym, 3/12
Universal warmup​
Reverse fly, 3x15, 20 kg​
Lat pull-downs, 12+15+15, 20 kg​
Seated rows, 15, 20 kg + 2x15, 25 kg​
Lever row, 3x15, 20 kg​
T-bar rows, 12, 15 kg + 2x15, 10 kg​
Alternate leg raises, 3x20​
Leg raises, 3 x 20​
Plank, 3x1 min​

Counting victories, day 5

Streak 9


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Jan 11
First thing water
Gym, 4/12
Shoulder press, 3x15, 20 kg​
Barbell curl, 3x12, 10 kg​
Barbell preacher curl, 3x12, 10 kg​
Dumbbell front raise, 3x15, 4 kg ea​
Dumbbell hammer curl, 2x12, 6 kg + 1x12, 5 kg​
Dumbbell lateral raise, 3x15, 4 kg​
Plate front raise, 3x15, 10 kg​
Barbell upright row, 3x12, 10 kg​
Counting victories, day 6

Streak 10


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
The last days I was traveling and couldn't do any workouts, and because of that I've been rethinking my workout streak. I enjoy keeping count and it motivates me, but I also can't find the time some days, except for some active rest (mostly walking, biking, maybe yoga). One option I like is to use the count in a habits app, where one of my activities is a workout which only has to be done 4 times per week, and with that I'm at a 54-day streak right now, I captured that in a screenshot.


I'll see how well this works out, but the issue now is to remember to update this app everyday with the workout. I'll add it to my darebee log so I won't forget that.

Jan 15
:v: First thing water

:v: Gym, 5/12
Incline bench press warmup, 1x30, 10 kg​
Incline bench press, 3x15, 26 kg​
Dumbbell shoulder press, 3x15, 5 kg ea​
Bench press, 3x15, 26 kg​
Front raise, 15+15+12, 5 kg ea​
Fly peck deck, 3x15, 30 kg​
Svend press, 1x15, 5 kg + 2x15, 10 kg​
Bar push-down, 15+15+12, 25 kg​
Cable push-down, 3x15, 15 kg​
Pull-over 3x15, 8 kg​
Plank, 3 x 1 min​
Ab crunches, 3x30​

:v: Counting victories, day 7
:v: Habit tracking

Jan 16

:v: First thing water
:v: Gym, 6/12
Squats warmup, 30​
Squats, 3x15, 30 kg​
Leg extensions, 3x15 30 kg​
Leg press 15 35 kg 15 20 45 kg​
Calf press 15 15 20 45 kg​
Abductor, 3 15 20 kg​
Adductor, 3 15 25 kg​
Calf machine, 3 20 20 kg​
Deadlift 15 15 30 kg 15 36 kg​
15 min threadmil​
:v: Counting victories, day 8
:v: Habit tracking

Streak 54
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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,800
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Thanks for the tip, I might look into that program. I only do M-F for working out so it bums me out a little that I can't consider my streak a streak although I've done everyday I planned to. :happy:


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
@MadamMeow , the app I'm using is called Habits (for android). I hope it helps!

Jan 17
:v: First thing water
:v: Counting victories, day 9
:v: Habit tracking

Jan 18

:v: First thing water
:v: Gym, day 7/12
Universal warmup​
Lat pull-downs, 12+15+15, 25 kg​
Seated rows, 3x15, 25 kg​
Lever rows, 15, 20 kg + 15+15, 26 kg​
T-bar rows, 15, 15 kg + 15, 13 kg + 18, 10 kg​
Reverse fly, 15+15, 20 kg + 18, 15 kg​
Alternate leg raises, 60 + 40​
Leg raises, 40 + 40​
High plank, 3 x 1 min​
:v: Counting victories, day 10
:v: Habit tracking


Well-known member
Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Jan 19

:v: First thing water
:v: Gym, day 8/12
Universal warmup​
Shoulder press, 3x15, 26 kg​
Barbell curl, 12+10+10, 20 kg​
EZ-bar preacher curl, 15+15+12, 6 kg​
Dumbbell front raise, 3x15, 4 kg ea​
Dumbbell hammer curl, 13+12, 6 kg ea + 1x15, 4 kg ea​
Dumbbell lateral raise, 3x15, 4 kg ea​
Plate front raise, 3x15, 10 kg​
Barbell upright row, 15+12+12, 10 kg​

:v: Counting victories, day 11
:v: Habit tracking

Streak 57


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Jan 21

:v: First thing water
:v: Counting victories, day 12
:v: Habit tracking

Jan 22

:v: First thing water
:v: Counting victories, day 13
:v: Gym, day 9/12
Universal warmup​
Incline bench press warmup, 1x30, 10 kg​
Incline bench press, 1x20, 20 kg + 2x15, 30 kg​
Dumbbell shoulder press, 3x15, 4 kg ea​
Bench press, 3x15, 30 kg​
Dumbbell front raise, 3x15, 4 kg ea​
Fly peck deck, 1x18, 30 kg + 2x15, 35 kg​
Svend press plate, 3x15, 10 kg​
Bar push-down, 3x15, 25 kg​
Cable push-down, 3x15, 15 kg​
Dumbbell pull over, 3x15, 8 kg​
Plank, 3 x 1 min​
Ab crunches, 30+30+15+15​
:v: Habit tracking

Streak 60


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Thanks a lot @aku-chan @Laura Rainbow Dragon @JCU @Fremen @Mamatigerj @Anek!!

Jan 23

:v: First thing water
:v: Counting victories, day 14
:v: Gym, day 10/12
Universal warmup​
Leg press warmup, 1x20 @ 70 kg​
Leg press, 1x15 @ 80 kg + 1x15 @90 kg + 1x15 @ 100 kg​
Calf press, 15 @ 80 kg + 25 @ 90 kg + 20 @ 100 kg​
Abductor 15 @ 20 kg + 2x15 @ 25 kg​
Adductor 15 @ 25 kg + 2x15 @ 20 kg​
Leg press 12+15+15 @ 30 kg​
Leg extensions 2x15 @ 30 kg + 15 @ 35 kg​
Calf machine 30 @ 20 kg + 15 @ 25 kg + 16 @ 20 kg (remember to replace this exercise)​
:v: Habit tracking

Streak 61


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Jan 24

:v: First thing water
:v: Counting victories, day 15
:v: Gym, day 11/12
Universal warmup​
Lat pull-downs 2x15 @ 25 kg + 18 @ 20 kg​
seated rows 2x15 @ 25 kg + 15 @ 30 kg​
Lever rows 12 @ 40 kg + 2x15 @ 30 kg​
T-bar rows, 20 @ 10 kg + 2x15 @ 13 kg​
Reverse fly 2x15 @ 20 kg + 18 @ 15 kg​
Alternate leg raises 3x40​
Leg raises 3x30​
High plank 3 x 1 min​
:v: Habit tracking

Streak 62


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Gladiator from Germany
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Posts: 360
Next week I'm going on vacation. That's why I set this goal of going to the gym 4 times a week for 3 weeks, and now it's finished!!

I haven't planed how to keep my exercise streak during this week off, all I know is I'm going to be doing lots of walking.

Jan 25

:v: First thing water
:v: Counting victories, day 16
:v: Gym, day 12/12 :completed:
Universal warmup​
Shoulder press 15 @ 26 kg + 2x15 @ 20 kg​
Barbell curl 15 @ 10 kg + 12 @ 10 kg + 15 @ 6 kg​
EZ-bar preacher curl 12 @ 10 kg + 2x15 @ 6 kg​
Dumbbell front raise 3x15 @ 4 kg ea​
Dumb hammer curl 15 @ 4 kg ea + 2x18 @ 4 kg ea​
Dumbbell lateral raise 3x15 @ 4 kg ea​
Plate front raise 2x15 @ 10 kg + 30 @ 5 kg​
Barbell upright row 3x15 @ 6 kg​
:v: Habit tracking

Streak 63