Sunday I went to BoundCon with my partner, it was fun! I bought another corset... They are so pretty!! I would want them all! But I wear them basically never...
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were regular office days, seeing my partner on Tuesday.
Sunday before breakfast
2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- 2 minutes jumping jacks
- Power HIIT day 13, level 1
- Chest and Arms challenge day 13
- Abs and Core Blast challenge day 13
- Glutes of Steel challenge day 13
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- 1 minute HIIT level 1
Although today I also did the EoD, and yesterday 2 minutes jumping jacks.
I'm taking it easy these days but it's ok, I get a lot of other exercise.
Have a fantastic evening Bees!