Hello my fellow bees! It's been over a month since I've posted, and in that time I had a bit of a health scare... on June 18th I had a stroke. And then, somehow, I fully recovered in about 48 hours.
On the evening of the 17th, I briefly was unable to speak. My husband and I noticed it, but it didn't occur to us that that could be a stroke symptom, and after a little while I could talk again. However the next morning, I was again unable to speak, or even type what I wanted to say on the computer. My husband realized that I needed to go to the emergency room, so he drove me to the closest hospital. At the ER, they gave me a CT scan and an MRI, and the CT scan revealed a clot on the left side of my brain. I was airlifted via helicopter to a different, nearby hospital and had emergency surgery to remove the clot (via a tiny incision in my leg!) I spent a day and a half recovering in the ICU, and my ability to speak and type steadily returned. They moved me out of the ICU to the cardiac ward for the second night, and I went home the next day.
While physically I recovered very quickly, mentally it has been a lot to process. It never occurred to me that I could have a stroke at my age (37), but I am so, so grateful that I was able to get the surgery I needed and make a full recovery so quickly. The doctors are still trying to figure out what caused my stroke, so I have various follow up appointments and testing to do, but besides that I've been gradually getting back to my normal life. I do feel like my outlook has changed, however, and I've just been feeling so much gratitude to all my family and friends who have been so wonderful through all this, and grateful to be alive and be able to still do the things I love.
I hope all you bees have been well, and I'm hoping to start getting caught up on your logs soon.